So I was in the mood to do some back to school gifties. I know how exciting, scary, overwhelming and fun it can be for kiddos and teachers to go back to school. This year it's really hit Abby that not all her friends may be in her class - she's taking it a little hard and is scared "they'll forget her". As much as I try to reassure her we all know how this works...luckily we live near a lot of her friends and she has activities with them such as girl scouts and sports.
This little cutie is from Mabelle RO (Whimsy and Stars Studio) called Back To School and can be found HERE. One of Abby's friends, who has been in her class the last two years, is not in her class this year. She's pretty sad about it so I made this for her to give to him. It's a tag so that Abby can write her special little note to him on the back of it.
This jar was made from ideas I got off Pinterest! The printables that fit on the Hershey kisses are from this blog and the apple printable on the front of the jar is from this blog. The jar is an "up" cycle - it used to have paper clips in it that I got at the $ Store.
Have you been bitten by the Pinterest bug? Let me tell you that is the BEST thing EVER!! I LOVE it...and not only because of all the cool ideas but I'm actually using/doing stuff from there. I've already made my household binder, menu planning, fixed some new recipes and went out yesterday to buy tile to FINALLY make some coasters! It's been a huge help for me and I'm so glad I joined it.
Before you go I just wanted to share a quick picture of Abby. Yesterday was her performance for her Theatre Camp. She's been attending for 3 weeks. Their play was a collection of Dr. Seuss tales. She did such a good job! There were three stories and in between each one they would do a song & dance number. This is a picture of her getting ready for one of those numbers.
Great ideas, very fun projects!! Your daughter is adorable!
The summer just seemed to fly by!
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