On Tuesday, Abby had her Halloween Celebration at Preschool. The celebration consisted of the kids wearing their costumes to school and putting on a musical performance. For some reason my camera isn't doing so hot...good thing Christmas is coming cause I think I'm in need of a new one! This is Abby on stage waving to me...she likes attention and she wanted to make sure I knew where she was!

After the "concert" was over, the kids got to parade through the gym so everyone could ohhh & ahhh over their costumes. When I stopped Abby to take a picture this is the pose she gave me. It's her princess pose!

The kids then were dismissed for treats and individual pictures. I took this picture of Abby and her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Christian.

Abby doesn't have school the rest of the week. Wednesday is teacher day and Thursday & Friday is parent/teacher conference. I can't wait to see what Mrs. Christian has to tell me about Abby. Hopefully she's doing as good as I think she is, LOL!
She's just too darn cute!!
She looks adorable, Michelle! Such a little princess.
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